Vine Availability

Although most of Novavine's grapevines are grafted to order, we try to make some extras for those last minute projects. Our availability list is updated frequently, but please bear with us when things change! 

To search the Vine Availability, you can specify a type of vine—see abbreviations below—a variety, a particular clone or a rootstock. Do not use commas to separate your search items (For example: Aglianico 1103P). If you have no results, try widening your search (For example: Aglianico; or GP 1103P).

GP = Green Potted Bench Graft                     PTP = Priority Testing Protocol
DF = Dormant Field Finished Bench Graft      GT = "Super Nova" large vine (+)
DR = Dormant Field Finished Rooting            GO = Green Potted Own-Rooted
GR = Green Potted Rooting                            GM = Green Potted Medium Vine (+-)

Vine Type Variety Clone Cert. Rootstock Cert. PTP Qty.
Vine Type Variety Clone Cert. Rootstock Cert. PTP Qty.
GR 039-16 C 940
GR GRN1 C 518
DR St. George 10 2605
DR <n.a.> <n.a.> 101-14 10 20598
DR <n.a.> <n.a.> 1616C C 8538
GR <n.a.> <n.a.> SO4 10 69
GP Aglianico VCR 02 C 1616C C 212
GP Aglianico VCR 02 C 5BB 10 231
DF Albarino FPS 01 C 1103P 10 7
GP Albarino FPS 01.1 10 039-16 C 59
GP Cabernet Franc FPS 04.1 10 1103P 10 186
DF Cabernet Franc FPS 11.1 10 110R 10 543
GP Cabernet Franc FPS 11.1 10 110R 10 5
GT Cabernet Franc FPS 11.1 10 SO4 10 16
GP Cabernet Franc FPS 12 C 039-16 C 75
DF Cabernet Franc FPS 12 C 1103P 10 228
GP Cabernet Franc FPS 12 C 110R 10 44
GP Cabernet Franc VCR 10 C 1103P 10 3
DF Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 02.1 10 110R 10 1108
GP Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 02.1 10 140R 10 460
GP Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 02.1 10 1616C C 7
GP Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 02.1 10 Schwarzmann 10 889
DF Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 04.1 10 1103P 10 1562
DF Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 04.1 10 110R 10 1656
DF Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 04.1 10 110R C 17732
GP Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 04.1 10 110R 10 121
GP Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 04.1 10 110R C 229
DF Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 04.1 10 1616C C 588
DF Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 04.1 10 3309C C 6065
GP Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 06.1 10 140R 10 290
GP Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 07.1 10 039-16 C 694
DF Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 07.1 10 1103P 10 1641
GM Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 07.1 10 1103P 10 23
GP Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 07.1 10 110R 10 3884
DF Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 07.1 10 1616C C 1421
DF Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 07.1 10 SO4 10 521
GM Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 07.1 10 SO4 10 23
GT Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 07.1 10 SO4 10 92
GP Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 08.1 10 039-16 C PTP 28
DF Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 08.1 10 1103P 10 17730
GP Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 08.1 10 1103P 10 551
DF Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 08.1 10 110R 10 8502
DF Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 08.1 10 1616C C 20
GP Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 29.1 10 1616C C 810
GP Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 29.1 10 GRN1 C 1283
GP Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 30.1 10 039-16 C 99
DF Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 30.1 10 110R 10 2985
DF Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 30.1 10 110R C 1196
DF Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 30.1 10 1616C C 103
GP Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 30.1 10 1616C C 1537
GP Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 34.1 10 110R 10 48
GT Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 34.1 10 5C 10 92
GP Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 35.1 10 039-16 C 653
DF Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 35.1 10 1103P 10 135
DF Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 35.1 10 110R 10 2409
DF Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 35.1 10 1616C C 381
GP Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 35.1 10 3309C 10 1094
DF Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 35.1 10 420A 10 670
GP Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 47.1 10 039-16 C 3390
DF Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 47.1 10 110R 10 18431
GP Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 47.1 10 110R 10 659
GP Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 47.1 10 110R C 2746
GP Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 47.1 10 3309C 10 437
DF Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 47.1 10 420A 10 2216
GP Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 47.1 10 Schwarzmann 10 35
GP Cabernet Sauvignon FPS 80.1 10 110R 10 573
DF Cabernet Sauvignon VG B NC 1103P 10 83
DF Cabernet Sauvignon VG B NC 110R C 1177
GP Cabernet Sauvignon VG B NC 3309C 10 1147
DF Carignane FPS 10.1 10 SO4 10 1461
DF Chardonnay FPS 04 C 1103P 10 2
GP Chardonnay FPS 04 C 1616C 10 9
DF Chardonnay FPS 04 C 3309C 10 1699
DF Chardonnay FPS 04 C 3309C C 2248
DF Chardonnay FPS 04.1 10 1103P 10 4
GP Chardonnay FPS 04.1 10 GRN1 10 15
DF Chardonnay FPS 04.1 10 Salt Creek C 2301
DF Chardonnay FPS 04.1 10 SO4 10 4296
GP Chardonnay FPS 102.1 10 GRN1 C 1676
GP Chardonnay FPS 112.1 10 GRN1 10 259
DF Chardonnay FPS 15.1 10 1103P 10 99
DF Chardonnay FPS 17.1 10 1103P 10 185
DF Chardonnay FPS 38.1 10 110R C 134
DF Chardonnay FPS 69.1 10 1103P 10 1668
DF Chardonnay FPS 70.1 10 1103P 10 2122
DF Chardonnay VCR 10 C 3309C 10 210
GP Chenin Blanc FPS 01 NC 1103P 10 5
GP Chenin Blanc FPS 01.1 10 5BB 10 196
GP Cinsaut FPS 03.1 10 1103P 10 23
GP Counoise FPS 01.1 10 1103P 10 152
DF Counoise FPS 01.1 10 St. George 10 58
GP Durif FPS 03.1 10 110R C 163
DF Durif FPS 03.1 10 420A 10 550
DF Durif FPS 05.1 10 SO4 10 126
DF Durif FPS 06.1 10 420A 10 119
GP Durif FPS 06.1 10 St. George 10 166
GP Fiano FPS 03 C 039-16 C 324
DF Greco di Tufo VCR 11 C 3309C 10 75
DF Grenache Blanc FPS 01.1 10 1103P 10 320
DF Grenache Noir FPS 07.1 10 SO4 10 71
GT Grenache Noir FPS 08.1 10 1103P 10 26
GP Malbec FPS 09.1 10 1103P 10 7
DF Malbec FPS 09.1 10 110R 10 732
GP Malbec FPS 09.1 10 1616C C 105
GP Malbec FPS 09.1 10 3309C 10 878
DF Malbec FPS 09.1 10 5BB 10 113
GP Malbec FPS 22.1 10 1616C C 185
GP Malvasia Bianca FPS 03.1 10 1103P 10 237
DF Merlot FPS 15.1 10 110R 10 2
DF Merlot FPS 15.1 10 1616C C 239
GP Merlot FPS 15.1 10 GRN2 C 90
DF Merlot FPS 18 C 1103P 10 1020
GP Montepulciano VCR 10 C 5BB 10 14
GP Montepulciano VCR 10 C SO4 10 15
DF Moscato Giallo VCR 05 C 3309C 10 225
GP Muscat Blanc FPS 06.1 10 1616C C 101
DR NA NA NA 1103P 10 18541
DR NA NA NA 110R 10 40305
DR NA NA NA 110R C 6965
DR NA NA NA 3309C 10 29750
DR NA NA NA 420A 10 30006
DR NA NA NA 5BB 10 5680
DR NA NA NA SO4 10 4973
GP Negro Amaro FPS 02.1 10 1103P 10 1499
DF Petit Verdot FPS 02.1 10 SO4 10 159
GP Picpoul Blanc FPS 01.1 10 1103P 10 194
DF Pinot Gris FPS 04.1 10 1103P 10 5006
GP Pinot Gris FPS 04.1 10 1103P 10 1130
DF Pinot Gris VCR 505 C 3309C 10 79
GP Pinot Noir 828 NC 039-16 C 986
DF Pinot Noir 828 NC 3309C C 2701
GP Pinot Noir FPS 02A.1 10 GRN1 C 1265
GP Pinot Noir FPS 15 C SO4 10 12
DF Pinot Noir FPS 37.1 10 420A 10 77
GP Pinot Noir FPS 37.1 10 GRN1 10 458
GP Pinot Noir FPS 37.1 10 GRN1 C 293
GM Pinot Noir FPS 37.1 10 SO4 10 69
GP Pinot Noir FPS 71.1 10 039-16 C 6428
GP Pinot Noir FPS 73.1 10 1616C C 1
DF Pinot Noir FPS 73.1 10 420A 10 307
GP Pinot Noir FPS 90.1 10 3309C 10 106
DF Pinot Noir FPS 90.1 10 420A 10 278
GP Pinot Noir FPS 91.1 10 Riparia Gloire 10 206
DF Pinot Noir FPS 96.1 10 420A 10 91
DF Pinot Noir VG A NC 420A 10 PTP 1353
DF Riesling FPS 12.1 10 3309C 10 62
GP Roussanne FPS 02.1 10 1103P 10 275
GP Sangiovese VCR 06 C 1103P 10 9
GP Sangiovese VCR 06 C SO4 10 60
GP Sangiovese VCR 30 C 1103P 10 21
DF Sauvignon Blanc FPS 01 C 1103P 10 352
DF Sauvignon Blanc FPS 01 C Salt Creek C 1209
GP Sauvignon Blanc FPS 01.1 10 039-16 C 776
DF Sauvignon Blanc FPS 01.1 10 1103P 10 3
GP Sauvignon Blanc FPS 01.1 10 1103P 10 481
GP Sauvignon Blanc FPS 01.1 10 1616C C 135
GP Sauvignon Blanc FPS 01.1 10 GRN2 C 299
GP Sauvignon Blanc FPS 01.1 10 Salt Creek C 15
GP Sauvignon Blanc FPS 01.1 10 SO4 10 15
DF Sauvignon Blanc FPS 23.1 10 1103P 10 273
DF Sauvignon Blanc FPS 27 C 1616C C 79
DF Sauvignon Blanc FPS 28.1 10 1103P 10 2949
GP Semillon FPS 13.1 10 1103P 10 751
GP Semillon FPS 13.1 10 1616C C 1449
GP Shiraz FPS 07.1 10 039-16 C 61
DF Souzao FPS 01.1 10 SO4 10 2041
DF Summer Royal FPS 01.1 10 1103P 10 138
DF Syrah FPS 23.1 10 110R 10 324
GP Syrah FPS 23.1 10 1616C C 294
DF Syrah FPS 24.1 10 St. George 10 93
GP Syrah FPS 25.1 10 1103P 10 78
GP Tannat FPS 04.1 10 1103P 10 517
DF Tannat FPS 04.1 10 SO4 10 13
GP Tempranillo FPS 11.1 10 1103P 10 152
GP Teroldego SMA133 C 5BB 10 198
GP Touriga Nacional FPS 05 C 039-16 C 80
DF Trebbiano Toscano VCR 08 C 1103P 10 459
DF Trebbiano Toscano VCR 08 C SO4 10 1061
DF Verdejo FPS 01.1 10 SO4 10 212
DF Vermentino FPS 01.1 10 SO4 10 475
GP Viognier FPS 02.1 10 039-16 C 1062
GP Zinfandel FPS 13 C 1103P 10 261
GP Zinfandel FPS 26.1 10 039-16 C 16
GP Zinfandel FPS 26.1 10 1616C C 553
GP Zinfandel FPS 41 C 110R 10 265